Who gave Renegade his orders?
What was big mikes position for 8years in the WH?
It must have been terribly difficult for these good people, to sit back a watch all this shit go down. Waiting decades to enact this plan. Very sad to think about their personal sacrifices. Deep appreciation…
Was noname specifically terminated for perpetuating the lies and passing on false info, after they dropped steel for being a looser?
Spoken or wriiten words carry thought which is a frequency, so yes. Words have put people in hospital, have witnessed this.
Hello anon, I saw the others doing shitty things. So I filter, so I wont waste my time on dumb arses. After spending some time here you will find whose voices ring true.
Take your time and know that we are all trying our best.
Our individual understanding adds to our collective consiousness. Pray, meme and learn. Welcome and good luck, it is vile in here at times. Ha ha ha
What information can you indulge us with, that isnt known yet?
And will we be able to wake up?