The funny thing about Mike Rothschild rant is literally nobody will give a shit outside his fellow blue check gongshow brigade and the other clowns that live in that bubble. He truly believes his bullshit will impact even a single person outside that bubble and THAT is the hilarious part because when anyone outside said bubble looks at him all they see is a clearly beta loser who, despite having access to billions, spends his day and night on the fucking internet looking to troll people and looking to make tweets about the POTUS.
What a complete loser of the most epic of proportions. Dude has billions… could go anywhere… could do anything… could get whatever he wants… and yet he has done nothing with that potential. Talk about a complete waste of space. His parents must see him as the biggest failure in the history of mankind, truly. The entire family ran banks, went for political positions, did BIG things and this guy is such a failure that his biggest accomplishment is tweeting some epic cool salt at his other like minded rejects that nobody on the planet cares about. Kudos brah…. you keep being you because we will definitely keep laughing about it.