spygate research veteran here
i guess you can call me marineanon
ask me about any person involved if you wish to know the truth about them
spygate research veteran here
i guess you can call me marineanon
ask me about any person involved if you wish to know the truth about them
Primarily Valerie Jarret / Iran. It seems it began with a predisposition and willingness or a wanting to work with them. Down the line this lead to blackmail, and they dug an even deeper hole they couldn't escape (Iran deal). Plus the aggressive seeking of money around the world led to more blackmail. & for example, Iran wants a weaker U.S., but so does China. So working w/ China naturally becomes an acceptable choice for him.
The Republicans started the Coup. He was punished for his involvement. His medication was taken away, and the cancer quickly killed him.
The elites, and what appears to be people within 2 or so steps of them, have access to some drug or treatment that can virtually halt the progression of anything, as long as it is caught. It seems relatively simple (Not Adrenochrome - that is made up by Hunter S. Thompson), just kept secret and out of reach of normal people. It is not a cure and it can't reverse damage.
Q said the truth would put 99% of the people in the hospital
Do words put you in the hospital?
No, that Obama pic post is way off. Hillary Clinton is arguably one of the most powerful human beings of all time. She used her position as Secretary of State to create a criminal empire the likes of which is hard to conceive. She was able to completely bypass the traditional powerbrokers (primarly billionaires and their backers). You see, in 2008 the DC swamp stopped Hillary from becoming President. But, they didn'tโฆfinish the job. While most here won't consider them anything more than criminals, the swamp had a nice thing going. But Hillary did the inconeviable. She created the largest money landering network ever seen, partnering with every major criminal orgionaztion across earth. Dictators, slave traders, smugglers, rogue countries, drug cartels, banks, terrorists, anything you can think of. She single handedly cucked the entire DC power structure.
Yes, Paul started it. Pence/Ryan were preparing to run the Trump Campaign w/out any Trump. & Then the Bush family releases the tape.