Do you know what a hiawatha dancer is anon?
Anon. My family is Swedish immigrants to central illinois. 1850's. The tribes there had a foresight and realized the movement. My local tribe in central illinois taught all my Swedish relatives the traditional dances and culture so that we Swedes could pass it down. And we did for over 100 years. Blonde Swedish girls passing down traditional local tribe dance for 120 years plus. I was taught native dancing as a child from my hometown family. My mother. The most amazing thing is that the tribes trusted us Swedes to preserve their tradition and we did.
Hi anons. I'm going to dox myself for the first time. I've been here since day one.
Do you want help? I watch every post.
Images. Words.
Do you want help?
That's an 1854 blanket that is super comfy. The battle on this bread, and every bread, is for the minds of actual operators. Most people in the shit follow orders and suck it up. And being in the SHIT sucks. We have to win the hearts and minds of the true operators. Because if you are ordered that "It's OK" doesn't fucking mean it's OK.
Hard truth pill:
The founding fathers (many) who were phisophically influencial in the creation of our Republic. Were DEISTS. Not Christians, Not Muslims, Not Jews.
Operators. This is our country, not theirs.
Operators: Our country was built on the concept that humanity cannot grasp all of existence. We believe in God. God is the name of the unknowable truth. All of existence is cause and reaction.
God is the name of the first unknowable cause to a Deist.
Anon. GOD IS. God is universality. It's not like a Bible tells you.
The Universe (UNI meaning 1) is 1.
God doesn't take sides because God is all sides.
All of us live in a fraction of the whole. God (whole) is giving you a mental trick. Are you good? Are you evil? OR.
Do you understand that good and evil are relative veiewpoints from our dumb point in the greater universe?
But i'll take the bait. Tell me what true evil is.
I too have had a near death experience. Define evil.
Your preconseption of good and evil gets tossed out the fucking window when you actually meet your maker.
Q is a psyop with conundrums.
There is not one person who is loyal to OUR REPUBLIC that doesn't grasp the insustainability of deficit spending. Q has never ONCE talked about the AMERICAN budget.
Jump in operators.
Anyone who isn't an oldschool /pol/ shitposter and can prove it, is a shill.
So I'll prove it.
Hopefully you read and understand real oldschool humor.
"this game takes precise calculations"
You can't get trained unless you bounce.
The devil isn't real.
It's a construct.
Fall in.
Turn on.
Tune out.
Drop into.
Yes anon. We are magicians. Anything you think is real in the simulation.
It's not real over time. It's real immediatly.
If you listen to this song at the exact same time I do. We create a warp in space-time.
Let's see.