Anonymous ID: 29f820 Dec. 28, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.7641440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1460

fuck the economy

and the fox and friends

feel good crap

20% inflation over 10yrs

means goods cost 20% more

because dollar bill worth 20% less

did your wages go up 20%?

the people with 401ks and investments

reaped the benefits

and the rest of america

is told to "recalculate" their earnings


fuck that

calculate your wealth

calculate your debt

calculate your future

calculate how much you need your pay to rise every year to adjust for inflation….

all the rich people's investment accounts

auto-recalculate upwards

while the value of the dollar goes down

or they print more money

that doesn't go to the consumer

image if quantitative easing

was equally distributed

to american citizens

wouldn't that help consumer spending

and confidence

where would all those trillions end up?

the the pocketbooks of wal-mart heirs

like every other dollar you spend

fiat currency

screws people

who don't use it

hyperinflation is bad

why oh why does FOX lie.

Anonymous ID: 29f820 Dec. 28, 2019, 4:41 a.m. No.7641467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1475 >>1477

when is the news

ever going to find

2 people

to have a political conversation

without getting all flustered

and interrupting eachother

people who make arguments

not emotional ploys

to gain attention

and potentially

5 more minutes on the news

worthless meaningless pawns

are paraded onto the news

and fight tooth and nail

for the right to do it again

they say dumb shit

that is unprofessional, emotionally charged

and basically full of shit, uniformed arguments

that are clearly developed

by think tanks

run by BOOMERS

or snowflake millinials

who that everyone on the right

is able to be controlled

if you just say the words god


and constitution

i dont know why

everyone on the news

has to use the "big wig" voice

like they have some grand point to prove

every word has such extreme.. inflection

emphasis on pointless stuff

i wonder if any news channel will ever

host a debate

between 2 politically different individuals

instead of hyper-partisan idiots

Anonymous ID: 29f820 Dec. 28, 2019, 5:16 a.m. No.7641597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1607




a government

run by business interests

that are controlled

by the hands of a few

is called a corporate oligarchy

I dont think that is a russian buzzword

it is the truth

about your government.

the one Q is trying to take down…

who is your enemy?

the devil or some shit…. get over yourself.

get a new job.