Anonymous ID: 0877a2 Dec. 28, 2019, 6:45 a.m. No.7642076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What & why is Cuomo doing this in NY? Every law his passes seems he wants more violence and death in the state. Is he being paid off or blackmailed by the cartels

A New York state law that allows accused criminals to be freed from prison the same day they are arrested for violent crimes has freed an illegal alien accused of killing a mother of three on Christmas Eve.


Jorge Flores-Villalba, a 27-year-old illegal alien, according to Assemblyman Colin Schmitt, was arrested after he allegedly admitted to hitting and killing mother of three Marie “Rosie” Osai, who was a legal immigrant from Haiti, in a Christmas Eve crash on Long Island, New York.


“I was driving and I did strike a person,” Flores-Villalba allegedly told law enforcement officials. “I didn’t call the police. I was afraid because I don’t have a license.”


After being charged with felony fleeing the scene of a deadly accident, Flores-Villalba was arraigned and then freed without bail on Christmas day — less than 24 hours after Osai was allegedly killed


Family friend Irene Secone told New York CBS Local that Osai’s friends and relatives are “devastated” while “this man on Christmas day goes home and spends it with his family.”


The illegal alien’s immediate release is now required by law in New York after state Democrats, against the wishes of law enforcement and even the most liberal district attorneys, rammed through a series of bail reform measures and Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed the legislation into law.


The law will ensure that suspects accused of crimes deemed “non-violent” are not jailed before their trial dates and do not have to post bail. Instead, these suspects are released directly back into the public and expected to show up for their court dates. About 125,000 accused criminals are expected to be released from prison every year in the state.


The list of crimes for which suspects will be freed from prison before trial includes:


Second-degree manslaughter

Aggravated vehicular assault

Third-degree assault

Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child

Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child

Promoting a sexual performance by a child

Failure to register as a sex offender

Making terroristic threats

Criminally negligent homicide

Aggravated vehicular homicide

As part of the law, accused criminals will actually be allowed to investigate their own crime scenes and be given a list of named witnesses testifying against them within 15 days of their arrangement. The law means that if a suspect is charged with home burglary, that suspect will be allowed to return to the victim’s home and inspect their property as part of their defense.

Anonymous ID: 0877a2 Dec. 28, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.7642262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2270 >>2326 >>2330 >>2490

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova warned the Deep State for years now that their day of reckoning was coming. This past week he claimed that the biggest single development in the Durham Investigation to date occurred when it was uncovered that former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers was assisting in the investigation


diGenova was on the radio as posted by the America First Blog when he shared the following:


This is the biggest single development in the Durham Investigation to date. We were told according to public reports that Admiral Rogers met several times with John Durham and that we now know that Admiral Rogers, who is the central figure in uncovering the illegal electronic spying done by the Obama Administration, prior to the Carter Page FISA warrant. The spying that went on from 2012 to 2016, involving FBI contractors illegally accessing NSA data.


Mr. Rogers discovered that, reported it to the FISA Court, all of that spying was stopped and has led to this crescendo of illegal activity by Comey, Clapper and Brennan. It led into the so-called ‘Crossfire Hurricane investigation to cover up that previous spying that had been going on.


Rogers has an electronic trail of all the spying that went on over 5 years. He has personal notes, ala James Comey, only this time they are not self-serving notes, they are the truth.


Mike Rogers I have described as the Rosetta Stone of this investigation


This is the single most important development in this. I have been suggesting for a long time that ultimately Rogers would be the key to any criminal investigation. That is coming true. What we now know will happen is I can be fairly comfortable in suggesting there will be a substantial criminal conspiracy indictment involving a lot of people with the electronic spying that was done.”

Anonymous ID: 0877a2 Dec. 28, 2019, 8:14 a.m. No.7642584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is incredible Devin Nunes speech on the floor “Sneaky Little Lawyers All Over The Place” in 2014


He’s pretty fiery here, the waters of CA are being used against CA citizens


Once again Nunes is fighting for the water of California.

Anonymous ID: 0877a2 Dec. 28, 2019, 8:30 a.m. No.7642688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2701

Nunes on California and Water for farms and households. These videos sounds like Q related statements, watch California, watch the waters. Guys I think there is something BIG in these videos of Nunes on the house floor in 2014, fighting for freeing up water for Farmers


Link to Nunes YouTube page with all his speeches in 2014:


Nunes in 2014, he represents San Joachim valley, listen to what he says on the floor of the house


we are going to hear a lot of falsehoods, why are we hearing these falsehoods, because for forty years, people in this body (congress) have made a career of using water as a weapon. Why is this? Because they never liked the fact that farmers and farm workers are making, what was once a dry area of the state, the Garden of Eden of this world

Anonymous ID: 0877a2 Dec. 28, 2019, 8:40 a.m. No.7642752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2804

Report published on Devin Nunes’ congress page, the title says it all. 49 pages published in 2016.


watch the water, watch California


“Drought by Design” see link below to report