Anonymous ID: 278d05 Dec. 28, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.7642319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GMorning QArmy and attendant shills/bots.


What an explosion of information - nice work bakers, and glad you made it through another night shift! We are in the final days of 2019 the year of our Lord God -maker of all that is seen and unseen. We are running out of time people - big reveals are coming, and many of our youth don't have the tools to cope. So while we are digging and sharing the political facts, we may not be sharing or teaching the message of the Word of God as much as we should with our youth - the bright minds and stout hearts of the ones who will carry on the battle with us and after us.


So many have been brainwashed so thoroughly - I can see the prophesied "falling away". Our institutions (ie churches) have been infiltrated to the point of being actually dangerous, and our schools have taught our children that the Bible is "just a book" and has been "corrupted by man". The words of Jesus have been effectively rejected, even by those who were raised in Christian homes, in this Christian country. Kudos to our enemy - job well done /sarc.


Ponder this…and pray. God bless this day, God bless our president, God bless his people, God bless this planet. WWG1WGA WW.