Anonymous ID: 512139 Dec. 28, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.7642273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2756

Sara Carter: "They don't have anybody who can remotely stand a chance against Trump, and they know it". Yes Ma'am. You see, Hillary was supposed to be the LAST President. They didn't set up a "next". Right about now the New World Government was supposed to be well on it's way to fruition. And of course there would be no more elections durring transition, by order of Congress. Remember that train accident with almost the entire GOP on it, where nobody died? There was supposed to be carnage. All they have right now is throw it at the wall and hope it sticks. They never stopped the plans they had in motion. In fact they had to accelerate it because Trump won. Why do you think everbody sees haow crazy they are? Because they couldn't slowly bypass the will of the people with total control. And now their crimes are coming up front and center. That train in Cali? Where did the money go? If Hillary won it wouldn't have mattered, but now it does and they can't account. That and so many more things world wide are going to need an accounting. The Democrat Party, the hive of the Deep State, are done and over.

Anonymous ID: 512139 Dec. 28, 2019, 8:14 a.m. No.7642588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2617 >>2756


Weird. For an Oldfag not to realize that telling Anons what to do is faggot. Post whatever you want newfags, if you want to. I'm not telling you to. Sometimes three day old information got missed by a sleepy fag, or a workfag, or just a normiefag. OP sounds like a shill. Do this, don't do that buhcause I don't like it.

Anonymous ID: 512139 Dec. 28, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.7642761   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think of it like this. When those people find out how badly the wool was pulled over their eyeswhat do you think will happen? Before you answer that… What did THEY teach their sheep? To react with emotion? What emoition do you think they will react with? Rage? "They won't be able to go out in public" will come to fruit. Meanwhile those of us who knew stuff will siy back and watch. Let the sheep eat their shepherds. It will all be good Anon.