So…is Dan, Q, or is he baiting? Doesn't make sense to reveal the ID yet. Not until the question is asked?
Jeep like vehicle in front of me yesterday. American Flag in rear window, odd colored license plate, plate simply had "17". Took a pic. Won't doc with state. But damn was that coincidental as shit. Was with wife. We then go to a store, car parked next to us when we leave store has plate "agnt 5". I'm paying way too much attention to small details these days kek!
Q, you're saying transparency is the only way forward. But in the past, you've said 80/20, maybe 60/40. Has this changed? I can understand, I think we all can, that a good percentage of people couldn't handle some stuff, but maybe we are at 50/50?
We cant learn from mistakes if they are kept from us. And history tends to repeat itself.
I don't think any of us could handle that amount. It would drive us insane. Imagine if reality was really an experiment by aliens…just an example, that would ruin society.
Larp imo. Made alot of predictions while this place was down that never came to pass. And calling yourself big dick…has a sense of unprofessionalism
Trilogies tend to have slow spots. Cant be helped. But I can empathize.
Really good point I have never considered. Thank you for your post anon!