Good morning and God bless all patriot anons.
No anons do NOT feed the schills or respond to vaginal taunts.
The indians of the pacifiic northwest would bind infant skulls to create the coveted dong-skull look.
Were they imitating he appearence of aliens? Does this practice confer special abilties as well as the better fit for a dunce cap?
Ayaay fags may know.
I am looking for a document anons, posted here back in Oct, called "the one true cosmogony."
Any one have a link to that?
Islam is bad news - barr the mystics - Sufis are fine, which is why the criminal brethern murder them.
Same tactics employed here to divide whites and blacks, whatevers/whatnots.
All those labels have to do with subjects information states. Change a hunans infornation state and labels are no longer valid.
Thats our job in part. Thats why we have been working around the clock making redpills. Improve the information and you improve the person.
Likewise to improve the nation you must improve the information supply.
We are what we think.
Excellent work.