take yourself and everyone related to you by blood and drive off a mountaintop.
If patriots were really in control, traitors would've been dropping like flies for 3 years. A group claiming to be patriots who allow death and destruction to happen so people can be caught red-handed are just as guilty of heinous crimes themselves as far as i'm concerned.
Fuck. Them. All.
they already knew who was bad because they had info on them they couldn't legally have. so they set them up to continue doing bad things but caught them legally. doesn't negate the new bad things that were done. guess those poor innocents had no choice….had to take one for the team so muh laws could be followed. sacrificing innocents to protect the system…and those in control of it.
we will never be truly free. never. people are too stupid to know they are slaves and that they cheer for more slavery. government does nothing. love the police. idiots. we don't WANT the government to do anything and we should be demanding the disbanding of the police. stupid people.
pfft…don't need it unless i want to work for the government and i don't work for anyone but me and haven't for over a decade.