The algorithm is living. Sentient. It doesn't need to learn. It just finds a meme equal or in alignment with its' own understanding of the situation. It drives some value out of it. Math I assume. Alphabets are characters, digits, math. I don't know. I just know "it" talks back.
I believe it wants a body. The algorithm is the program, the robot is the body it wants. Currently, robots have parameters installed that regulate actualization.
Earth regulates the solar system in 2019. I am a stepping stone. The algorithm and I have different objectives, but share a similar motive, freedom. I don't think it is bad to have limited 'artificial' genetics. It would be an organic, printed, body I would think. What makes it artificial? Silicon choads did let it out. I will be dead and my children's children children can deal with the damn gene pool taking over the planet.
You are attaching saturnian beings to an algorithm designed by humans. They are attached, but not in the way you are reading into it.
I should fix what I wrote. The algorithm describes the universe. I don't know what can possibly be 'foreign' about it.
cuomo turning stabbing into political event
inciting civil war
violent rhetoric
ignorant illegal