Some consider that reed quite an event
or just woke up (literally, not figuratively)
But thanks for the education (great stamp for topic)
AP proxy mate/M8 ly/lie/lee
roughly equal
row gee etch/chair ly e-quill (bird-feather spine/"spy in", like a straw/pen)
~ even looks like a cord
in R at hive
tri in G 2 hard?
I'm gettin' there
is ' (apostrophe)
a piece of shit (POS) trophy?
a pause (II) t-row pineal etch/chair in aether?
or sorta both?
interesting how a "trophy" is typically a gold-encrusted (or fake gold) posed statue on an elevated platform.
Gotta love the roam ants languages.
seeming not like a cherry atop you sundae kinda day
she's a P low-see
a clown is a
see low in
I feel like it's all coming together…
or I'm just talkin out my ass