In fact, Jesus was not a Jew.
He was Caesarion, the son of Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra Ptolemy.
He went to India, studied Vedanta and Buddhism, then returned to the Roman Middle East, and wandered around preaching.
In Judea he collected disciples, mostly fishermen around the Setha of Galilee. These men were deathly afraid of water because if you fell out of the boat, you would die in the water.
One day Jesus swam out to the boat.
It was a miracle. They had never seen anyone go on top of the water.
Jesus knew that he had to be crucified to make an impact on these people.
His most trusted disciple, Judas Iscariot was entrusted with setting up the crucifixion.
Jesus went into a deep meditative state on the cross.
He was buried
His wife Mary Magdalen opened the tomb and after a short visit with his disciples
He returned to Northern India where he taught for many names under the name Issa,
The same name he is known by in the Quran.
God is in you.