>Non-Hispanic white men, ages 18 to 34, are the hardest hit by the opioid crisis in these communities that have suffered an economic downturn due to outsourced auto manufacturing.
In a region that fits this description extremely well. Can confirm. Spent the last two decades dealing with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. who have had their lives SEVERELY impacted by the opiod epidemic…
This shit's gay and it should've been predictable. I noticed the problem when I was a fucking kid. Problem is all the dip-shit's responsible for this will never admit it because then they'll be held legally accountable for ruining the lives of millions of individuals. In the meantime, they're free to use all the goddam money they made of poisoning us to pay their legal fees. Which is yet another fucking reason why this shitty fucking system needs a MAJOR fucking make-over….