TS 44:53
Gematria = 1305
4453 - 1305 = 3148
Q_3148 TS 56:46
1st Tweet TS 16:26
30s mirror and left|right mirror
See Biden Iraq
TS 44:53
Gematria = 1305
4453 - 1305 = 3148
Q_3148 TS 56:46
1st Tweet TS 16:26
30s mirror and left|right mirror
See Biden Iraq
even 2600…
Any consensus on what [ ] means? I see lots of letters and numbers like [D] (dems,etc).
Also thinks like 'Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?'
thinking pepe
I just saw a 233 somewhere in my numbers.