black sheep anon from ruling class family here
Question: why all the creepy art? What is the purpose of spirit cooking parties?
What danger of running a blackmail ring do these things reduce?
This is from the perspective of right, wrong. But that's not how elites think.
You are taught that no one is beneath you, you are beneath no one. Elites are taught to subjugate and look for proof of subjugation.
What is proof of subjugation? What would it look like? If you are always lookng for this, what will your behavior look like?
Right track.
To simplify it, the more shit someone is willing to take, the more status you have relative to them.
You see a sports team, one of them is the captain. What behavior you look for that tells you this inormation? The guy giving shit and not taking it.
WHy rape kids? The damage to the kid is the point. Why damage kid, not adult? Less work.
Let's say you look for this trait in people to recruit them into ring. What danger does this mitigate for you?