What makes you think the reasons for thinking Gorka and Charlie Kirk are Israel first globalist shills have anything to do with Q?
It's more due to the functioning brain found between my ears.
POTUS himself has had to APPOINT a bunch of globalist shills to work in his administration.
The fact that you posted a SS associating Gorka with DJT Jr. (Gorka having denounced Q) as some sort of evidence reveals your child-like understanding of relationships and associations that are purely utilitarian.
>I honestly can't believe the level of stupidity in here.
Mid-wit reddit/twitter transplants often react this way when they encounter a whole group of people with higher IQs than them.
It all seems very confusing and breaks with their smug hivemind derived worldview, so they interpret it as stupidity.
You can't even manage to comprehend my previous post and come up with a germane response, it's unsurprising you find yourself confused.