bannon until 8/2/19, but who now?
Also, Lewandowski and Gorkha reappeared at exactly the same time loudly supporting GEOTUS and roughing up crooked White House reporters.
bannon until 8/2/19, but who now?
Also, Lewandowski and Gorkha reappeared at exactly the same time loudly supporting GEOTUS and roughing up crooked White House reporters.
Bannon placed on security council in order to qualify for Q clearance?
Made his bones in the navy during the Iran hostage crisis
Are Soros and Hillary really hapsburgs?
Were the ‘68-‘69 Rockefeller brother deaths the result of the hapsburgs muscling the Rockefeller’s out and planning for direct control?
Was the 9/11 twin tower choice the final warning to David to surrender?
Are clinton and Hillary a union of Rockefeller’s and hapsburgs?
Questions I have but can’t answer.
The all seem to have Waardenburg syndrome.
Congenital birth defect commonly from inbreeding.
I think of bannon these days as Gandolf the Grey during his long absence and trials, only to return more powerful than anyone could ever imagine.
Isn’t the general assumption it was Mos using the Saudis?
I’m legitimately asking about the hapsburgs. If it’s a stupid question or already discounted I missed it, not trying to be annoying.