Leaf is just one poster.
This is why newfags are told the LURK.
For instance this baker
>>7677154 ← baker
Was going on about leaf shit last night and now has seen how annoying people just claiming this or that is a leaf faggot is.
Just lurk and maybe you'll notice that anons are still digging and memeing, having jokes.
As this continues to grow you will see an increase in the cult of personality.
The chaos will only amp up as more decide it is time to starting posting.
Kikes will capitalize on the chaos and attempt to grab the reigns and stir the direction of conversation.
This is basic subversion, become part of the conversation and redirect it to suit your needs.
Newfags and shills are at most times unrecognizable from one another, so it is best not to claim others as shills.
In fact most newfags are the ones claiming everyone is a shill via their lack of experience in the image board setting let alone with anonymity.
The text might just blend into one and you begin seeing the phenomenon you are experiencing, where the mind fills in the blank and anything it doesn't understand becomes whatever is convenient.