What a journey. I was truly awoken when Q showed up. Only knew bits and pieces. Never really fit in anywhere, always felt something was off with the world but was blind to it all. Just had this "feeling". I've been high and low. Hopefully and dismissive. And now, I never thought I'd feel this way, but I'm waiting for Armageddon. I'm too aware. I cant stand seeing evil continue everyday. I'm so tired of human made dramatics. I'm tired of in recent kids being killed. I'm tired of whistle blowers and corrupt FBI agents. I'm ready for the sky to light up and God let the battle begin.
Any other anons feel this way? It's not that I dont appreciate politics getting cleaned up. I just want to get passed the part of the plan and to the next shift.
I just want God to win. Here's to God winning in 2020. No more brackets. No more disinformation. No more datefagging. God wins. Let's do this.
Happy New Year anons.