Your darkness will be your light.
You are What you know… Your perception is your truth and I will not deny it.
The heart scarred with meaning from the life you have led is yours to decipher Anon.
What I can do is be present with you in it.
If you care to share I will listen.
You are not alone.
It is his knowing and I will not judge that.
The strong are the weak but not how you think it to be.
Many are misunderstood. Many want to be right…. But it is love that THEY can not ignore.
Believe me when I say this… Many have been abused under the guise of literal meaning of what this world is. If you were born into a world of hate it would be all that you know.
To judge is to put you as the accuser.
What I know is any thing that another human being could to do to another I am capable of under the same circumstances. That does not make me evil it just means that that part of me is illuminated and I won't ignore the light in me.
Every HUMAN BEING has a heart… And sometimes many others have pushed into non existence within them.
You… Your darkness the unknown has been lived by many before you.
You… Your light is the known because of the the darkness you acknowledge within you.
It does not mean you are the dark… It is your awareness that will lead you to the deepest depths of your being. You as the HU MAN your are in your being = doing will lead you to the light.
Think of magnetism…. What you are doing in your being will give you the life you lead… Some only know the dark and others only know the light… It is within this contrast your being when given the space will exude love.
If you where here before, you wouldn't ask why you are back.
You would know you are back because the darkness in you needs to see the light.
We are going through the darkness of humanity and you choose this and it is because within you you hold a light that humanity can't ignore… Hence why you are on this board now.
Know thy Self Anon it is the greatest love you have.
You are what you precieve…
I am not here to tell you if you are wrong or right as that would put me in in a position of judgment and a accuser.
You only know what you are….
I can only share with you the love within me which exists in us ALL.
Well said… Your vibration and frequency within the energy you delivered is recognized.
My being will always respond to another coming from the heart.
It was wisdom that found you and it is not mine but yours to precieve… I can only give it away.
A Way… Your way in what you precieve.
Heart to Heart.
Love is abundant and free… Free energy.