nvr s vwls n lng gg r rghtng
A = family, 2 parent lines, one child
E = one parent, 3 child
I = single
O = community
U = them
Y = familial split
f (pronoun, his/her, or horned viper)
A (family)
m (owl)
i (me)
l (lion)
y (split)
their family is owl, i am lion. we split.
f (his/her pronoun, horned viper)
A (family)
I (me)
R (mouth/talk)
s (cushion)
h (shelter)
a (family)
r (mouth/speak)
e (different family, widowed family maybe)
a safe place where family talks about the other family
S (cushion)
K (basket/gather/work)
I (self)
ski makes the work easier.
s (cushion)
a (family)
y (split)
speak. saying can make a family split easier.
that is like saying an A and an H are similar, which structurally they are. H is closer to a vowell on the consonant scale (sound wise). W is there with H. If double-v or W was a vowel, V would be a vowel.
double-v or W is closer to Y, which is split I.
i dont want a sentence.
is it a morte gauge?
is this some sort of casting call?
eh shit. my sentence was summoned.
there is no art.
religion is dead.
humanity is lost.
only the government can save us.
you want the ICU? trybe dis n dat'. i am fuck you people. you hear me. fuck you people fuck you people. u want sum? moor ur vessel.
u do.
kvzmfg yfggvi tlevimnvmg
moon light not darkness. it is just the sun reflecting.
f there was no thing to reflect the light there would be no darkness
do u have a branch? are you enlisted?
okay this one is good
SH (pool/basin)
I (self)
T (bread loaf)
hieroglyphics for shit basically says put your loaf in the toilet..
speaking of earth's orbit. could we just attach giant thrusters to this thing and go cruising around? literal spaceship earth.
well. i figure if we can even move ourselves out of orbit a few feet that would be the first test and would take quite a while. maybe we could alter climate this way, moving closer/further from sun. probably not good messing with natural cycles..