Vaping Flavs saves lives
Vape lives Matter
make law that says
every 3 years raise age to buy smokes 1 year older. or something to that effect.
also lower taxes on smokes because the taxes effect the poor and mentally ill most
VAping is the only thing that has gotten chain smokers to quit.
nicorettes , the patch, etc have like 96% failure rate. (same with Alcoholics ANonymous. this is why they dont keep stats_)
nicotine obviously is connected to relieving something within people with minor mental illness to severe. ever seen a schizophrenic smoke? chain smokers.
Q said tobacco is cabal.
they get your money and kill you
governments are addicted to tobacco taxes. thats why they hate vaping. its not derived from tobaoco
i am no lawfag, so i dont know how to write the law in a way its constitutional
i am against any law that curtails freedom. i dont know how anti drug laws withstand challanges.
i dont want kids to smoke or vape but i also want adults to be able to exercise their own freedoms in body and business.
msm vaping articles are written like russiagate articles. starts off with people dying all of a sudden, after 10 years on the market. slip in that its bootlegged black market THC marijuana vape pens with vitamin E cut into the oil as filler. conflate and combine and mislead people to associate nicotine vaping with THC marijuana vape pens sold on blackmarket
i still smoke, but only a few compared to a fucktonne
I am hoping the cures q has mentioned deal with Alcohol, cigarettes, and other Addictions. i dont believe these are diseases (Alcohol has wreked havoc on my life) but when you seek help, if you happen to be an autist who uses reason and logic, you realize, there really is no help. this is the funnel, the feeder, that q has mentioned. this is where cabal revictimizes. this is where they charge you, your insurance or the government for therapies that dont work, are expensive and a waste of time. always remember who gets blamed :
its not the companies who make Alchol, tobacco, PharmPsyche drugs. Its not the Ones who sell it or the politicians who make the laws about them, its not the Doctors who prescribe them, its you. they will blame you.
why cant a drug addict sue the government for even allowing the possibiltiy of that drug being availibe to them on the black market? if that drug addict can be arrested for possesion cant the addict argue the government is negligent for doing very lttle to prevent the addiction wchich led to possesion? wrongful damage due to negligence
hypothetically speaking?
sorry off on a tangent.