Anonymous ID: 9e6c7f Jan. 1, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.7683390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3469 >>3486

Ashamed to admit I watched the first season of the Madalorian. I did it so you don't have to. Went in with my eyes open to Disney/Hollywood bullshit and still my eyes spent a lot of time rolling.

Here's what I learned.

Creator, Jon Favreau, is Jewish.

Mandalorians are a people.

They are said to be "Not a race but a creed" (Oy vey!!! - Hello fellow white person!!!) - Very topical with Trumps recent EO to combat anti-semitism.

The Mandalorian (main character) is described as a "foundling".

Foundling is the word used in the Old Testament to describe Moses (a Jew who, as a baby, was hidden by his mother in a basket in the reeds).

When the evil empire (analogous to Nazi Germany e.g. Stormtroopers) attacks their city, the main character (The Mandolorian) is hidden by his parents and saved by what looks to be Boba Fett.

He is raised to be a Mandalorian.

The Mandalorians are a dispossessed people whose homeland is destroyed by the evil Empire - they have been dispersed throughout the galaxy and seek to re-establish their homeland - Sound like the Jewish diaspora to anyone?

When he grows up and becomes a bounty hunter, the Mandalorian in turn, saves another foundling (known by fans as "baby Yoda" but not actually baby Yoda). Baby Yoda is found in and travels in the space equivalent of a basket.

Baby Yoda has Jedi powers - can move things with his mind etc.

Yoda means "One who knows" in Hebrew. Listen here -

The Jedi, who use “the Force” – the spiritual power of good deeds, aka the mitzvot — to do good in their battle with the “Dark Side” – the yetzer hara, or the evil urge within us all - bear the Anglicized name of a Jew. In other words, jedi = yehudi = Jew.

George Lucas is not Jewish but his films were made in Jewish-controlled Hollywood. Lawrence Kasden, who wrote The Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens, Solo, a Star Wars Story is Jewish and so is Favreau, as I mentioned earlier.

It's fair to say that major themes in The Mandalorian owe their origins to the Old Testament. "A long time ago…"

I have not yet seen the "Moses" analysis of The Mandalorian anywhere even though it's as plain as day from the use of "foundling" alone.

I wonder why that is. Do the creators think the show would be less popular of people realized it was created by Jews about Jews?

In terms of a regular review, the show itself is just OK. It feels a bit like watching old episodes of BJ and the Bear or The Hulk with Bill Bixby. The mysterious loner rolls into town and helps some people with their problems but then, due to troubles in his own past, has to keep on moving and can never settle down.

3 out of 5 stars.