POTUS blocked a "Progressive" Veteran Org.
Trying to find the tweet now.
I didn't screen shot
Just downloaded the image
Yeah, he's not supposed to be able to block?
And as stupid alleged lawyer Page says "POTUS is so meany" to her.
After how she spoke of him?
Another fucked up in the head C-A who thinks he's smarter than the anons.
He works hard to be the baker so he can mock us from within? Is that it?
Weird dudes. They must all be freaks
You have to admit you don't know.
Otherwise, give reasoning.
Templars became Masons, I believe that. But it's unknown if there was a split or exactly what happened
"King Arthur" was a real and good King.
Such things did exist back then.
If there's a "copy" - a myth, a story; it must be copying the real thing.
The Satanists/nihilist co-opt, inverse, "poo -poo" dismiss everything good. That's their nature. They hate to see anyone happy or joyous. Demonic in nature. The hate life. They hate you and me , per Ronald Bernard
We count the hit pieces since we are proved by shills, like you.
If we were so "nothing-burger" why would be get so much anger from the assholes?
Figure it this way:
Their ilk get jollies from hurting children, and think that makes then "cool?"
What would you expect from them in their role as shills.
They simply have the same values as Anons, so they always stick out and glow.
They simply have very different values than Anons, obviously
So they stick out and glow.
They block & they glow.
I don't believe Borat.
This is why Crazy Days hated on Kappy.
their trying to implicate POTUS since he was a Casino owner. Transparent
We looked into Borat back in the day.
I just don't believe it.
It's got dupe digits
but really "Biggest Ever False Flag"
I don't think so.
Collecting names is not even a false flag or simulation.
Why would I read something click bait , so stupid.
Weren't we already told they had lists on us and were planning round up , like the Chinese did to the Arabs in China?