>>7686709 (lb) retard
Slide. You are not trans anything. You have a vagina and tits, you're female. Whether or not you have physical characteristics that may make you appear more masculine, (my neighbor lady has whiskers but she's also fat, in poor health and her hormones appear to be fucked up.)
When you die and an archeologist digs you up in 300 years you will be labeled FEMALE. There are 6, 500 genetic differences between male and female humans. ALL of them are unchangeable. The only thing you can do is cosmetic shit hoping no one will notice.
Get mental health help to learn to accept you are you are. Your main thing is a distinct self hate because you think no one will love you as you are. History is full of homely women with good long marriages...FUCKINA look at Jeb Bush and Schumer's wives...develop a good character and personality and stop worrying so much about the superficial bullshit of acceptance based on how you look.
Going deeper into that tranny shit is only going to make you miserable. The more I read on the poor tards that buy into that frankensteinish surgery which is INHUMANE--
You're just a person who does not conform. How strange it is that you are seeking a means of conforming--among a group that brags about their non conformity.
Pic related---that's what they do to trans women. ONE fucking look at that and all sex partners are going to run. Women who are hetero are not going to want to fuck that shit. Men who are gay are not going to want to fuck that shit. (I should preface that with NORMAL because halfchan has a bunch of losers who would fetish that nightmare).
Get help. Learn to love you how you are.
And go listen to every video the Heritage Foundation has posted re trannism. You're being brainfucked. You can NEVER be anything other than what you were born. Anyone telling anything differently is just hoping they get to experiment on you.
heritage foundation on transgender