Anonymous ID: 8d4ff5 Jan. 1, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.7687744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7766


> not bad to get a check at some point.

True. Would accept check if it was offered. Since we're here 12-16 hours a day every day, no holidays, no weekends, no vacations. A little concrete appreciation would be welcome.

But we're doing it because we love our country and hope to save it.

Anonymous ID: 8d4ff5 Jan. 1, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.7687790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7816


1) We don't own or maintain the Letter Q Graphics. Somebody posted that link a few days ago and we simply capped it. If it's no good, we'll remove it from the meme dough.

2) We are not going to repair the Q Research Graphics Library #1. Why? Because a spurious copyright claim was asserted against the top-level folder, that would have taken the entire library down. In order to defend the claim we would have had to communicate with management at providing our true name and contact information. We were unwilling to do that. So our workaround was to move all the individual folders out of the top level folder. All the material is still there but it has been removed into dated folders. We could still be hit with a spurious copyright claim but at least it wouldn't take out the entire library.

3) The Meme library #2 is working fine too. We mirrored some of the Lib #1 content in Lib #2. Again, we are not going to provide a top-level URL to access the entire Lib #2, for the same reason given in (1).

We will open as many different free accounts as necessary to maintain the meme farming operation.

This is a guerilla operation and we have to operate smartly, anticipating the enemy's moves and being stealthy and distributed instead of centralized.


We probably won't post this explanation again. It's better to stay under the radar.


We'll fix the memes batter though.