Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.7688682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8734 >>8762 >>8807 >>8945 >>9036 >>9073

Hey I posted this in that last thread, because I thought it might make sense here.

Basically I have a theory that there are either no shills or very few if any shills in these breads.

Mainly because why would they waste assets on a board that is recorded and propped up by DOD servers?

And it came to mind while reading some Q drops, where Q was talking about shills recording the thread's there and needing to clear up clutter.

>pic related, bottom left corner


maybe it is best to stop and think about the posts for a second , and think is this really a clear tactic or is this anon just being a faggotalice?

Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:12 p.m. No.7688741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But does it ever really look like shilling?

Most of the time its just memes and shitposting with some digs and news articles.

Freddy can hardly be called a shill, he is just a typical troll that found his home here.

Trolls are commonplace, shills would be driving misinformation and the like.

Maybe some of the concernfags are actually just anons who can't follow the events or are followers of some famefaggots so their interpretation is faulty?

And those faggots who say why no booms?

Those are just like freddy, typical troll faggots.

Because it isn't that effective of a tactic and doesn't seem very coordinated.


Most of what I am seeing is anons infighting.

Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.7688815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8838



Who knows really, it just seems like a bunch of anons to me.

Sure not everyone is going to agree on everything, but that is how the hivemind creates its own brainstorm.

Don't get me wrong there are trolls and people from other sites coming here to speak disbelief and talk some shit.

But I really think that is about it.

Any organization would be better off using smear pieces to isolate public disclosure not using shills that could be potentially traced back to them.

Being that this is a DOD page now, that makes it even more suspicious that a shill operation would even take place.

But like I said in this post, there are trolls I am not denying that.

Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.7688846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not so sure anon, I have been on chan boards for about 10 years now and none of the behavior here seems that shilly.

It really just looks like a bunch of anons going about their business and some calling each other a shill then the other anon say no u.

I'm not trying to make a big deal about it, the show will carry on with or without my input is what I feel.

But just putting it out there.

Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.7688872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8890 >>8906


To be fair, I have seen posters like finklestein all the time and some have varying styles.

I wouldn't say he is a shill but an anon who is very passionate about his belief systems and what he feels he has uncovered.

Maybe for him it is similar to when you try to wake up a normal in the real world and they dont bite and look at you like you're crazy.

There are a lot of anons in /pol/ that feel very passionately about those topics and being that Q posted in /pol/ I think it is only natural this type of poster would follow it, I am more surprised there are so few like him if anything.

Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.7688937   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Those same useful idiots helped move a counter culture movement in favor of President Trump, I wouldn't be so inclined to judge a book by its cover.

Certainly the information he subscribes to is edgy and not typically what you would find engaging, but he has his reasons for believing it.

Q must have seen some potential in those "useful idiots" to post at the hub for it?

I am not defending his method so much as I am trying to create a balanced perspective on our board as it stands.


I mean maybe he does not have a job?

Perhaps he is on state benefits or makes a passive income?

To be noted I have seen days where for many hours he is not present and during night shift he definitely goes to sleep at some point.

Early in the mornings too he is not typically present.

Like I said to the other anon, I am not standing for his methods but trying to give a balanced interpretation.

A path to understand, though how grandiose an attempt would sound.

After all I am but a single anon in the web of autism.

Anonymous ID: 089a69 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.7689013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9102


Sure when Q posts there is increased number of UID but typically that is people say hi to Q.

And no, I am not a newfag as I have been on these boards for over 10 years and was interested in Q during his very first drops which is why they are really my go to.

Much of this information has sort of gone over my head over the years so I try to look at older drops to keep those fresh.


What I am proposing is that we not be so quick to judge and claim others as shills for we cannot ascertain the proper channels of information to make such a definitive claim.

Well AFLB isn't a shill, but an anon who just thinks differently that can certainly be said about the other anons you have mentioned.

If you are familar with the 4chan days of Q you would know very well that many anons hail from that board and this passion for the JQ is very common.

With AFLB that was a baker, maybe stress put him into this state who knows I am not a doctor.


Not looking for a fight really, just decided to post some of my observations and no I am not insinuating that you are picking one kek.

And no, I am not going to randomly post as Freddy and say got you kekekek.

This is just my observations.