Anonymous ID: 315e29 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.7688945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8980 >>8997 >>9013 >>9020


Q was speaking of that thread is how I read that post, and was there then.

Stick around newfag, things shift when Boss is active on the board.


Here's what it looks like, posted just before noon today, and this is typical, just look at top of this bread.


Go read: >>7684212 (Bread #9833). Wrote:

Ok, last bread I burned (8) slices of bread, 1/2 of which were calling out ((them))), and zero noteworthy posts, just shillshots. I was id a47c12. Just doing for the New Year New Fags - we love you (no homo).


There were total of 159 UIDs for the 751 slices (ave of 4.7 posts / ID)


Ave drops to 3.9 slices / anon if you remove the shills, which skew the count higher (so 597 slices / 152 UIDs)

Shill UID's and counts for loaf #9832 were:

7c84f9 - (14)

5b7403 - (18)

10f547 - (39)

c129aa - (15)

3fe304 - (28)

fe8910 - (32)

1a46a6 - (8) (didn't pick up 2nd 1/2 of loaf like usual)

grand total: 154 shill posts, ave of 22 slices each.

That's 20% of the bread all shat up.

Ok, will go back to filtering, but as Q asked:

"Is this organic?" (whatever exact quote was).

You decide anons, Happy New Year, it's glorious already!


There are phrases you can use to filter them. NO anon calls someone a "lefty kike", only (((them))). Just one example.


And these are the muh jews, not to mention the Leaf multiple personalities. Ugh.

Anonymous ID: 315e29 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.7689006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9057


>Everything up till the last line sounds good, yet you just had to add that poison pill~

Thanks for reading Leaf. Note I didn't lump you in with the same group.

Nonetheless, it gets a bit old, and you've been shitting the dough lately, and that's fucking intolerable!

Anonymous ID: 315e29 Jan. 1, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.7689102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7689013 fair enough. Apologies faggot for calling you a newfag if youRe an oldfag, keep on keeping on anon.


RESIGNATIONS, esp CEO's and such.

Prior to today, these were bothering me. I want to see all those fuckers hang, not walk away (latest Pearson / Penguin gig irked me good, they are corrupt WAY beyond the Obummer book publishing deal).

Then, today, it hit me that if ALL those CEO's went down in one big bust, it would tip each individual companies over so hard, with so much disruption all at once, the whole economy would just crash. Just due to disruption at, stalling of key decisions, etc.

SO, a phased, orderly exit at firms is useful for the common man and woman, our fellow patriots.

Who knows, there is a glimmer of hope that those fuckers aren't completely off the hook still, can only hope.


Also, we focus perhaps a bit too much on Killary, Bummer and such, when we need to look at the FAMILIES (not that they shouldn't hang, that's important, Treason, Sedition, and Crimes Against Humanity need accountability, only talking to the focus, at least for me personally). Talking about the real power, not the muppets. I know I haven't been doing my digs on the House of Saud enough.


>>7688949 It's its' own meme….

Anonymous ID: 315e29 Jan. 1, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.7689229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7689092 ty for sharing anon. Have known and been open to much of the evil for a while now.

Catacombs under the vatican, etc.

Used to read Anne Rice books as a youth, and then realized they weren't fiction… (including the sex island ones she wrote under Roquelor or whatever name)

>>7689089 wow, it is all coming out.


"What happens when the blockade is removed?"

  • Media / Corrupt Judges / etc.

  • not just a blockade for Corney and company - ALL of it!!!


>>7689081 ty anon, want to see that! Clint has been taking some heat for this.



>>7689078 agreed, ty bakers!!!

>Long string of good bakes over the past few days.


>>7689067 yes. Someone close to me loves Disney, and am quiet about it until it all comes out. Then will offer a shoulder.


>>7688888 chequed, don't hate on the 8. L8R anon!


>>7688889 maybe now comes the pain isn't for the perps, but for the normies? Just spitballing, thort just popped into the noggin


>>7688986 am ready to learn of the lizards in deep caverns, wouldn't be at all surprised.

Anonymous ID: 315e29 Jan. 1, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.7689275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9390


>This is VERY serious stuff. If true, we have the makings of Armageddon going on here.

WE can change this timeline anon!

Knowing much of this, and suspecting much else, and realizing judges and breadth (as FBI Anon impressed upon me as well some time back)…

Am frankly in NO RUSH for the big takedown, as it's gonna be a bit messy. Q team is doing an awesome job, considering the depravity.

Anonymous ID: 315e29 Jan. 1, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.7689400   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ok, something big there being covered up, and a motivation for the Christchurch shooting.

That way, ONLY the shooting shows up in internet searches, and the REAL history is buried!


This has been done with a lot of projects / black ops / etc.

A DAUGHTER event with the same name to obfuscate the real deal.

Even ISIS does that (to take away from ISIS mythology).