Anonymous ID: b025cc Jan. 1, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.7689139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9162 >>9197 >>9306 >>9361 >>9420



Found this story.


Pentagram, ritual circle discovered by couple for first time while recarpeting their home


Bizarre markings on the floors of bedrooms being recarpeted have left an Auckland couple wondering about the history of their old villa.


The pair were in the process of recarpeting the Okura house they've owned for 30 years when a pentagram and a ritual circle were discovered etched into the floors.


The wife said they have no idea how or when the markings got there and they were completely shocked when they discovered them in the villa's bedrooms.

"My husband and the carpet layer pulled me in and showed me and I thought 'oh my goodness'," the woman told the Herald.

Then they started on the other bedroom and the carpet layer called me again and said I might want to check this one too.


"The strange thing is we've had our carpet laid three times … and it hasn't been pointed out to us before but the first two times we weren't there."

he history of the house is largely unknown and the home owners now plan to contact Auckland Council to try and find out more.


However, she said it was built on Shelly Beach Rd, St Marys Bay, near the Pt Erin Pool in 1904 by a timber merchant. The current couple moved the house to Okura 30 years ago.


"I'm curious to go to Auckland Council with the address and see what the historical details about the house might have been," the woman said.

She said the couple doesn't have any "solid" religious beliefs and said this was the first time anything strange had been found in the villa.

The woman said it was a bit of a mystery and yesterday posted pictures of the markings to Facebook asking for help to clarify what they were.

"There's no weird feeling or vibes or things like that it's just a normal family home with strange drawings on the floor we never knew about," the woman said.

Anonymous ID: b025cc Jan. 1, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.7689197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9240 >>9306 >>9329 >>9361 >>9374 >>9400 >>9420



Saw this, thought it was also interesting.

Photos of the Quake Damaged Christchurch the Public Never Get to See

We went out with rebel photographers who are illegally documenting Christchurch after the earthquake.


After the 2011 Christchurch earthquake killed 185 people and destroyed most of the central city, the heart of Christchurch was completely shut down. For 859 days it was "red zoned," meaning nobody was allowed in including the media.


"The public missed out. It was undemocratic and wrong," Iain McGregor, award-winning photographer for Christchurch newspaper The Press, told VICE. "After 150 years of [The Press] documenting the city, when it came to the crunch, only the cops were allowed in."

The media may have been shut out, but during that time a group of urban explorers, Urbex Central, were sneaking in and documenting the aftermath. They're still doing it. Five and a half years after the earthquake, the city is still scarred with boarded-up, derelict buildings.


I went along on one of Urbex's night-time missions to see what the public doesn't.

We've snuck into the Harley Chambers, a three-storey heritage-listed building that once housed a dentist, barristers, a beautician and apparently the dudes who punt the punts on the Avon River.


It's easy to get in. We duck across a car park off Worcester Boulevard, squeeze between two buildings, climb some rickety steps and jump through an open window into a spooky hallway. The walls are covered in pentagrams, Swastikas and Satanic prophesies. Glass crunches underfoot.

Anonymous ID: b025cc Jan. 1, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.7689240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9316 >>9361 >>9400 >>9420


>After the 2011 Christchurch earthquake killed 185 people and destroyed most of the central city, the heart of Christchurch was completely shut down. For 859 days it was "red zoned," meaning nobody was allowed in including the media.




What did they build or do while the city was destroyed and completely evacuated. 859 days is a lot of time to build tunnels, underground trafficking bases etc.