Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.7689509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9518 >>9591

>>7689250 (LB)

>My question for you.. Was the FEMA Plan real? Were the fenced off Walmarts real?


And the trains. Completely believe the PLAN was to eliminate 90+% of all humans currently alive. I've even thought that way to some extent given the cancer we've become to the future of the planet (and no, not talking global warming!).


There was a recent article on all the rail cars not being used. Did I read that here or off-board?


Thought SOME of those are likely the "Shackle Cars"… waiting to take away to the camps…

Then there are the piles of FEMA coffins… (or whatever they are).


>>7689420 (LB)

>Why… Notable?


Think Christchurch is notable if for no other reason than:

>>7689400 (LB)

>Ok, something big there being covered up, and a motivation for the Christchurch shooting.

>That way, ONLY the shooting shows up in internet searches, and the REAL history is buried!

>This has been done with a lot of projects / black ops / etc.

>A DAUGHTER event with the same name to obfuscate the real deal.

>Even ISIS does that (to take away from ISIS mythology).

And the notable encourages digging, and we'll see where it goes anon.


Last bread was a saucy loaf anons!

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 7:52 p.m. No.7689591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614 >>9642


>Just started digging. We know…

Nice anon, thanks for diving in!!

Agree, see:




>the railroad cars are bringing stuff from where it is to where it's needed.

>that's a good thing.

Yes, it's a great thing and highly efficient, outside of boats.

My point, is that a portion of the rail cars parked are possibly set up as the Shackle cars. h/o, let me search for a pic..

Then there were the stories of the Guillotines as well…

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.7689669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9711

>>7689582 5:5 anon!


>>7689589 very good theory anon!

  • Need that 'cover' to pull out critical docs and prevent destruction of evidence.




Yes, those, whatever they are.


>Or they are just fucking caskets in case of an emergency….

think the followup post nailed it:


>like accidental pandemic or nuclear fallout?

Wasn't it just last week "bleeders" from the Congo crossed our southern border? I'll get some sauce for that.

Ebola isn't shit to be trifled with, have been close to a response. Shit hits, you won't be able to find PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) anywhere. Not even a fucking facemask. Think how fast water or batteries disappear from shelves before a snow storm or hurricane. Now think, the storm has spread everywhere.




>Those were grave liners. Some cemeteries require them.


Thanks for the corroboration on what they are!


>That makes sense, stops soil contamination

Human diseases are no joke, the elite don't want that shit in their groundwater!

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 8:12 p.m. No.7689711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727 >>9847 >>0041 >>0121


Ok, here's the sauce on our Congo Ebola situation, Merry Belated Christmas.

Now, this is NOT a confirmed case, just 'kidney failure'.

I can PROMISE you if it was Ebola, we would not know about it. Hospitals aren't allowed to talk about the patients, info is tightly held, yada yada.

There is NO WAY the gov't is going to allow the US to go into panic mode (remember several years ago here??)

“Early in the afternoon of December 24, 2019, a 41-year-old Congolese national and her family arrived in the United States, presenting themselves for admission into the U.S. at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge in Laredo, Texas.


During initial processing, she was medically screened to include a review of paperwork she provided highlighting a previous medical condition, cleared by on-site contracted medical personnel, and transferred to the Lincoln Juarez Bridge for additional immigration processing and overnight holding.


In the early morning of December 25, 2019, while awaiting final processing and release, the individual notified CBP officers that she was suffering from abdominal pain and had vomited.


CBP contacted EMS immediately and the individual was transported to the Laredo Medical Center for a medical evaluation. The subject’s health declined rapidly and she passed away at the hospital.


Webb County Medical Examiner’s Office (WCMEO) has determined that the death is not suspicious, as the individual had a preexisting medical condition.


CBP’s Office of Professional Responsibility was notified and is reviewing the incident.”


According to information CBP gave members of Congress, the woman was diagnosed at the hospital with acute kidney failure. A congressional aide who spoke on condition of anonymity provided details to The Associated Press. CBP did not identify her illness in its public statement.


“The subject’s health declined rapidly and she passed away at the hospital,” CBP’s public statement said.


CBP told Congress that its officers admitted the woman and her family as part of the daily number of people allowed to enter at the Gateway to the Americas bridge.


According to information CBP gave members of Congress, the woman was diagnosed at the hospital with acute kidney failure. A congressional aide who spoke on condition of anonymity provided details to the Associated Press. CBP did not identify her illness in its public statement.


The Congo African migrant was travelling with her husband and two children, who were subsequently released by CBP into the united states.


Europe back in January, 1 year ago:

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.7689758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9787 >>9807 >>9809 >>9849 >>9853 >>9903 >>9908 >>9960


>Yeah, just like the 30,000 guillotines Obama bought on the taxpayers dime, right?

Read about that at the time, but didn't dive in, as number seemed a bit high, and even I don't want to look like a nutjob to myself. Nowadays, seems more likely than 5 years ago…

Then again, what if they were installed in town squares, just to keep the sheep in line afterward?

Break your curfew? Straight to the slicer!

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.7689884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9918 >>9921


>We did a few digs on them loooong ago, and I dont care about being labeled the nutjob kek!

>They are sitting in a warehouse somewhere, IDK why but Michigan comes to mind but cant remember where we found they were exactly.

>Right on the money though.

Thanks anon!!

>Round up those that are known to voice themselves or create static, or just because, put them to the blade publicly, and everybody goes back to being drones in fear.

Indeed. Same through the centuries.


Guillotines and Pandemic - am reminded of move "Could Atlas" (a must see).

Always thought that was the most prescient view of the actual future course we've been on (until Trump/Q).

In it, there is a scene: THE SONMI SLAUGHTERHOUSE

Thought of that given this topic.


Also, what's on Halle's forehead (see pic). Reminds me of the sperm on Obummer's forehead in his painting!



>There was a lot of effort to look into this. I remember seeing the purchase order on the US Govt acquisitions site.

>These could have been planned for use after Hill won and the 2nd Amendment was neutralized.

Scenario I was picturing as well. Sort of was taking it as a given.



>like accidental pandemic..

See pic! Prince Phillip:

"In the event that I'm reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation".



>Somewhere, I have an original picture of those box-cars that was taken by a friend of mine just a few (10) years ago.

Would love to see those.


Remember Owl-Anon (tats on arm)?

If I recall, he spoke/wrote of rail cars in waiting?

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.7689918   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> of move "Could Atlas" "Cloud Atlas" - typing too fast.

Cloud Atlas (2012) – Movie Review - A Spiritual Esoteric Analysis by Satchidanand



Cloud Atlas - Everything is Connected

"An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution."


Cloud Atlas is a 2012 German drama and science fiction film written, produced and directed by Lana and Andy Wachowski and Tom Tykwer also nominated for the 'Saturn Awards' 2013… Well what isn't?


The Wachowski's of course gave us the Matirx Triology and its highly significant symbolic themes, not least when it comes to 'human enslavement' which is what Cloud Atlas also alludes to.

Where does one start? Well the the film consists of six interrelated and interwoven stories spanning different time periods. The film is structured, according to the British novelist David Mitchell and weaves together many 'parallel narratives - lives' that, as the author states in his book, …


Wow, interesting comment recently posted:

18 December 2019 at 19:29

It is refreshing to say the least, to know that there are others who can see more than just the light in which are eyes deceive us. Love this review I ate it right up, the whole time I'm thinking this guy gets it. It makes sense all the bad reviews and almost no publicity the film got.. it's too eye opening but just like in the film you cannot kill the truth and the light will always shine in in the darkness. I never say you this to complete strangers but if you ever come thru Cleveland Ohio message me and I'll show you around and have some philosophical discussions and maybe we can help each other on our missions. Cheers!

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.7689983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i c you're getting mixed reviews, and fuck Tom Hanks (though this seems to have brought the BIG topic up, noice!)

For me, movie was great as a projection of future for the great grandkids if we didn't keep a whitehat / patriot underground alive.

Was literally crafting my life around living as a closet whitehat knowing all this, dressed as a sheep. Not until Q came was there a glimmer of hope (was against Trump at first, brainwashed, now see clearly the bigger picture and has FULL support!).



2020 "Year of the Rope"

Let's hope so Aiaii anon! (mix in some fancy characters in red)

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.7690069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7689555 (chequed on the trips)

>and here's some pics from the earthquake

At this point, worth asking:

"Was it an earthquake"???

Imagine if there are seismograph readings archived, and when analyzed, show a pattern more along lines of an explosion, without the s-waves and shit?

(aka, like 9/11)

The seismic waves looked quite unlike those of natural earthquakes, which originate under the surface, said Kim. These had started from above. “More like ringing a bell,” he said.

Ding Ding Ding - ringing a bell. It was a "highly energetic, resonant event". Ala Tesla's mechanical oscillator that almost brought down a building, but done on micro-time scale, causing molecular dissociatation…


Wonder what the Global Consciousness Project readings were for the Christchurch event, anomalous or not?

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.7690091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can fuck yourself! No content and a concern-fag low-energy post. New shill to watch for.


Epic bread here anons - two in a row, nightshift is on a roll in 2020 - Hoohah!

Anonymous ID: 0df08e Jan. 1, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.7690130   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yikes anon, didn't need that reminder.

Thankfully, we CAN change the timeline!


>When the timeline changes, because you know the evil ones plans….


>>7690000 don't be a complete faggot.

Who is to say how the beheading happened? Does it matter? Change the timeline anon!