Anonymous ID: 347f84 Jan. 1, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.7689792   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Baphomet Deception

Heavy shit here anons but it is definitely EXPANDING my thinking.

Anonymous ID: 347f84 Jan. 1, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.7689888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>These destructive narratives that Baphomet rituals are somehow supportive to gain spiritual enlightenment, are perpetuated as outright lies designed as spiritual abuses by the NAA to corrupt the lightbody and gain control over those attempting to find deeper truth by exploring the occult sciences. Instead, the Baphomet deception is carried out by the NAA to intentionally damage the human lightbody, to be unknowingly groomed as a vessel for carrying lunar forms, such as lower demonic spirits, assorted negative attachments and energy parasites. Parasitic entities require a light source in a host, to continue to survive. They mask themselves in the false light that they have stolen as loosh from the collective astral body fragments of humanity. These lower dark entities that feed from the source of the Baphomet reversal current do not generate light from within themselves. They cannot produce light, they can only steal and harvest light from those human souls and spirits on the earth that produce and generate inner light from within their ensouled or activated lightbody. Energetic parasites, such as demonic or shadow creatures and NAA entities are pleased to find a human host to attach to during the rituals that conjure and evoke the assortment of bottom feeder dark forces that comprise the global Baphomet network.

Anonymous ID: 347f84 Jan. 1, 2020, 9 p.m. No.7690020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Thus, it is possible that we can perceive the existential internal struggle that exists in those born into amnesia, disconnected from the awareness of soul and unable to perceive their direct relationship with the eternal God source, and that some are desperate to seek occult knowledge at any price. In order to escape the material prison of the earth, they attempt to find the secret knowledge that allows them to escape the cycle of death and reincarnation by claiming a form of temporary immortality for themselves, with many willing to partake in blood sacrifice to achieve their aims. Ultimately, through the many egoic filters that shape the different factions of these secret societies that have been split off from the original Gnostic Templar teachings, the main goal has always been to achieve personal immortality and to somehow become exempt from the consequences of God’s natural laws, as their long-term agenda.


To gain self-mastery in navigating the world of these chaotic forces, to achieve ultimate spiritual liberation, each person will need to make a clear and decisive choice in what they choose as their consent to higher authority. When seeking truth in its highest expression, it becomes possible to hold the higher knowledge of these spiritual forces in perfect neutrality and in harmony with Oneness. It is intimately knowing that the truth spirit of Christos-Sophia and a pure heart filled with unconditional love is the only pathway that leads to spiritual freedom and eternal Godhood.