I see where your going with this here but patience is a virtue even Jesus extolled.
I would like to know which parts of the spending you take issue with. Not that they shouldn't, but I'm mulling over the idea of beating the plan within the plan.
EX: If SES is funded in it … and we shut down SES, then the money's would no longer need to be spent. If Planned Parenthood is funded in it, then pointing out this is a Private Company, one might logically say, we don't fund CVS, or Walmart … why again are we funding this, when all these services can be easily accessed through a Dr's practice?
Start working on how by not funding these Orgs/businesses equates to more funds in the tax payers check to avail himself of all the other choices he/she may want to make.
Bottom line … people pay closer attention when it means their pocket books will be heavier with the bucks that will allow them the freedom to more of what they want or need to pursue.