>Learn to play THE game
How do we know that Soros hasn't already met some unfortunate accident???
No blind belief required. Old trip vs new trip = 35 second delta. You may be overestimating your enemy
I like this, thought it myself too
>Worry about the rest later. We got this.
Fact. America isn't made great again in a day, or 14 months. Microwave instant gratification jerk offs want it all done yesterday. Just watch for the counter-move, it's coming
I'll dare to speak for Q on this oneโฆ
Fuck you. Fix it your fucking self. That's what you're supposed to be learning here.
You fags are really fucking afraid of Israel & Jews, huh? Don't say no because it shows. People's fears are usually take precedence over their goals and ambitions, until they overcome them. Fuck israel, Fuck jews, STFU & MAGA faggot!
Script is not updated yet. Give it time. Can't complain when it's being done for you for FREE
It's actually THEIR Money, if you want to get technical. Roths, Federal Reserve, remember? They are on the list, Climb the pyramid first, THEN plant your flag.
Meanwhile, do what YOU can to MAGA
bc I'm not trying to be fakeq. I'm being me. WWG1WGA, like it or not, I'm here
Ok great. Their turn is coming. Pay attention.
Unrealistic expectations = real disappointments. I had no expectation, so I feel no disappointment. Enjoy the show, we were told. And a grand show it is. Screaming a t the screen has never changed the show. Screaming on your congressmen & representatives, now THAT may effect some changes
VERY level-headed thinking anon! Ignore the soyboys playing patriot.
Every tweet has meaning anon, just because we don't fully understand it (yet), doesn't take away from the meaning.
Dubs & common sense confirm
Confirmed, was really swift about it
Q usually stands next to U
Hmmmmm, you may be onto something there!!!
I don't know about they ANYTHING Part, but they are trying to make a play which may have backfireed either way