Anonymous ID: f9af8d Jan. 2, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.7693970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4043 >>4055 >>4318


>>7692992 is NOT A NOTABLE


news antiwar is an anti-Trump Soros, Koch & Trita Parsi. who is also the founder of NIAC (National Iranian American Council aka lobbyist for the Islamic Republic/ Iran. Bullshit propaganda site…..


Soros and Koch Funding New ‘Anti-War’ Think Tank

And we should probably be a little bit suspicious….


Sounds great, until you hear it’s being funded by Soros and Koch.


The ‘Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft’ will oppose Washington’s “endless wars” and will “challenge the basis of American foreign policy in a way that has not been done in at least the last quarter-century,” according to co-founder Trita Parsi. who is also the founder of NIAC (National Iranian American Council aka lobbyist for the Islamic Republic/ Iran.


Soros and Koch’s fingerprints are already all over the world’s current endless wars, conflicts and regime changes.


Take some well-known Soros-funded think tanks; the Center for American Progress and the Atlantic Council, for example. They haven’t exactly been the biggest peace-pushers in the think tank world. The AC also received funding from a slew of arms manufacturers, so you’d be hard-pressed to find any anti-war sentiment there. Soros has also been linked to the “pro-democracy” European group Avaaz, which has advocated for no-fly zones in Libya and agitated for regime change in Venezuela and Iran.


In 2017, the Soros-funded ‘European Values’ think tank smeared 2,327 people as “useful idiots” for Russia for merely appearing on RT, in a McCarthyist-style attack on anyone deemed not to be sufficiently compliant with prevailing Western narratives.


Koch too has been linked to havoc-wreaking policies everywhere from Iraq to Venezuela. Despite supposedly opposing the Iraq war, independent journalist Caitlin Johnstone notes that Koch has been a major donor to the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute, whose members are considered leading architects of the invasion.

Anonymous ID: f9af8d Jan. 2, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.7694532   🗄️.is 🔗kun



PENTAGON: Iran May be Plotting More Attacks Against US Interests in the Middle East

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper warned America this week that the Iranian regime could be plotting more attacks against United States’ interests in the Middle East following a surprise attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.


“The game has changed,” said Esper. “We’re prepared to do what is necessary to defend our personnel and our interests and our partners in the region.”


“We’ll take it day by day,” when asked if the Pentagon planned on deploying additional troops to the region.


Read the full report at the Associated Press.


Original Story: December 31, 2019


A crowd of dozens of Iran-backed protesters stormed the US embassy in Baghdad Tuesday; crashing a gate while chanting “Down, Down USA!” in response to American airstrikes targeting militants in the region.


“Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!” posted President Trump on Twitter.


“The embassy attack, one of the worst in recent memory, followed deadly U.S. airstrikes on Sunday that killed 25 fighters of the Iran-backed group, the Kataeb Hezbollah. The U.S. military said the airstrikes were in retaliation for last week’s killing of an American contractor in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base that it had blamed on the militia,” reports Fox News.