Anonymous ID: b1ca6e Jan. 3, 2020, 6:27 a.m. No.7701797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2153

Gmorning patriots!


What an interesting and momentous development - Solemeini (sp?) gone and POTUS asserting his support for our American warriors. I call smack-down of epic proportions. I say, it feels like our leader and his men are definitely preparing for some epic (biblical) goings on in the approaching months/years.


For this, I pray today: let the Christians, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, those who are "watching in the night", those who are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Christ, who will come for us and make all things new (you must understand - He will repair this planet and repair us PTL!)….let us all learn more about Him, seek Him, speak with Him in joined voices today. Let us love one another, pray for one another, and keep up hope and faith!


Our joined spirits, full of the Holy Spirit, are more powerful now than they have been in years. We are seeing more, sharing more quickly, speaking more loudly and affecting change - may God maker of all things seen and unseen continue to hear and bless us all around the world! I pray this in Jesus' name Amen!