Anonymous ID: e76f35 Jan. 3, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.7704393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4403



Hopefully the dank meme makers are busy compiling the lists of those [US pols] outraged by the killing of a designated terror organization leader - with/vs - the list of those calling for the overthrow of Assad and cheers for the 'protestors' laying siege to the US embassy in Iraq.


POTUS gave a beautiful opportunity for memeammo for firing off WW.

Anonymous ID: e76f35 Jan. 3, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.7704542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ocasio-Cortez accuses Trump of 'an act of war'


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) accused President Trump of an "act of war" following the Thursday airstrike in Iraq he ordered that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.


"Last night the President engaged in what is widely being recognized as an act of war against Iran, one that now risks the lives of millions of innocent people," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Friday.


The drone strike followed an assault on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday by supporters of an Iranian-backed militia, which itself followed reciprocal airstrikes by both sides over the weekend.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that "de-escalation" is the goal of the U.S. and said the attack was carried out because of "imminent threats to American lives."


And when Obama had a drone hit on an American citizen & his kid that was just fine because he was designated a terrorist, right AOC?

Anonymous ID: e76f35 Jan. 3, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.7704570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4594 >>4658

Longfin CEO Settles Fraud Action


The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Longfin Corp. CEO Venkata S. Meenavalli has agreed to pay $400,000 in disgorgement and penalties to resolve the SEC’s fraud action against him. The settlement, which remains subject to court approval, concludes the SEC’s actions against Longfin, its CEO, and three other individuals in which the SEC has secured over $26 million of ill-gotten gains. The SEC intends to establish a Fair Fund to distribute money received from the defendants to harmed investors.


The SEC’s complaint alleged that Longfin and Meenavalli obtained qualification for a Regulation A+ offering by falsely representing in public filings that the company was managed and operated in the U.S. According to the complaint, Longfin and Meenavalli then distributed over 400,000 Longfin shares to Meenavalli’s affiliates, and misrepresented the offering to Nasdaq in order to meet its listing requirements. The complaint also alleged that more than 90 percent of Longfin’s reported revenue for 2017 was fictitiously derived from sham commodities transactions.


“As alleged in our complaint, Meenavalli abused the Reg. A+ process to conduct a fraudulent offering, list Longfin on Nasdaq, and entice investors with falsified revenue,” said Anita B. Bandy, Associate Director of the Division of Enforcement. “The SEC staff’s quick actions exposed the full scope of Meenavalli’s fraud and resulted in additional monetary and prophylactic relief to prevent him from defrauding U.S. investors in the future.”


If approved, the settlement would require Meenavalli to disgorge $159,000 (his full salary received while acting as Longfin’s CEO) plus prejudgment interest of $9,000, and to pay a $232,000 civil penalty. It would also require Meenavalli to surrender all of his Longfin stock, permanently bar him from acting as an officer or director of a public company, and enjoin him from participating in the offer or sale of penny stocks. Meenavalli has agreed to settle the charges without admitting or denying the SEC’s allegations. The SEC previously obtained a default judgment against Longfin that ordered nearly $6.8 million in monetary relief. A parallel criminal action against Meenavalli, filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey, remains ongoing.


The SEC filed a separate action alleging that Longfin, Meenavalli, and three affiliated individuals illegally distributed and sold more than $33 million of Longfin stock in unregistered transactions. In June 2019, the court ordered over $26 million in disgorgement and penalties against the three affiliates, and in August entered default judgments ordering civil penalties of $284,139 and $28,416 against Longfin and Meenavalli, respectively.

Anonymous ID: e76f35 Jan. 3, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.7704597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

De Blasio Rips Trump For Airstrike Killing Soleimani. Dov Hikind Shreds Him.


Here is another [pol] to add to the list….