Anonymous ID: 8c9be4 Jan. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.7705400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5426 >>5464


Partly because we live in a society, I know scary but true.

The collective opinion of the masses is critiqued by a small vocal group, let's call them the media industrial complex just to create a talking point.

This media industrial complex speaks on behalf of the highest bidder but what is even more frightening would be if some special interest groups were able to take full control over not only the financing but management of these organizations which form the media industrial complex.

They form consensus and opinion then project these talking points back and forth until it is considered well known fact.

In collaboration with institutions such as the ADL or even educational they can drive the narrative of which groups are protected within the culture or society which they have infiltrated through this media industrial complex.

Now that is all fine and dandy, some small group manipulating the masses under the guise of public opinion.

Insert intelligence gathering and psychological operations to compound the effect.

By creating actual events to then be labelled as definitive proof the media industrial complex in collaboration with rogue intelligence agencies all working with donors interests public opinion will create the consensus of its target audience; we live in a society.

The best approach would be to remove the financing of these institutions which support and supply the media industrial complex with events and insider information.

Then to expose the institutions and organizations involved as using lies and fabricated stories to sway public consensus.

Once it is established by the society that these entities are liars then its ability to defend itself through the lie diminishes and honest investigation into its inter workings and possible crimes could be unraveled.

You could say, The Media is the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.