Anonymous ID: acb4b1 Jan. 3, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.7704802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4813

Salty rant. Unpopular opinion trigger warning.


1) Baby talking, cakey wakey booboo bakey noodle notable googoo gaga bakers are acting fucking retarded and must be called out. You dont have to be full on 'serious business' but you look like a fucking clown (not the spook kind.) Stop it. Get some help.


2) Yes, the hand memes are in poor taste. All you niggers calling me a newfag or uninitiated into muh secret chan club are also retarded. What happened to good vs evil? Just because the guy was a total piece of shit and got rightfully blown up doesnt make it good and righteous to make childish memes of his rotting corpse. Yall motherfuckers need Jesus. Nothing to do with Chan culture.

