Anonymous ID: c1a073 Jan. 3, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.7705068   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7699803 #######[ish]

>Is there Legally Actionable Evidence on CodeMonkey's Servers?

all of this digging...

all of these years...

Has any actual evidence been produced?

Statistically speaking there should be... 1ooo monkieghs an all that.

<anon cannot judge... for reasons.

If there is, cannot private citizens, =(yü)et al, file charges and present evidence against such obviously corrupt individuals as Pelosi, Biden and Schumer?

feinstein for Ğœþþ§ Sæķ?

<or is there some sekrit skwerril shytə, mebbee licensing rules... dunno.


<gifunrelated... but spoopy.

damn't rabbits everywhere.