Anonymous ID: d45532 Jan. 3, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.7704948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7704733 Try harder there M_6. Your dicks out.


>>7704724 So, not even all Muslims harbor antisemitic views… over 2 billion Muslims WW.


People are not as divided as the ABC's hoped for, thus the continued division tactics every loaf.


Love to all the people! (even you divide & conquerors for you shall continue to fail.)

Anonymous ID: d45532 Jan. 3, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.7705044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5063 >>5147 >>5428

Report: All Iranian Military Decisions in Latin America Ran Through Soleimani


Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s external terrorism forces eliminated overnight Friday by a U.S. drone strike, oversaw every military decision taken by Iran in Latin America, according to a report by the Argentine news network Infobae last year.


Soleimani ran the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, the “elite” terrorism unit responsible for, along with Hezbollah, the 1994 bombing of the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) headquarters in Buenos Aires. The attack was the deadliest in the Western Hemisphere prior to September 11, 2001, killing 85 people.


Soleimani took over the Quds Force after that attack, in 1998, and focused much of his legacy on Iran’s conquests in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Most recently, the Pentagon revealed they believed him responsible for organizing the attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad this weekend.


President Donald Trump designated the IRGC a foreign terrorist organization last year.


Infobae revealed that Soleimani personally consulted on all military decisions in Latin America in a report in which it alleged that Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, had offered to send IRGC terrorists to Venezuela to protect socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro. At the time of the report, in April, the legitimate president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, had announced that he had convinced the nation’s military to follow him and remove Maduro from power. Zarif’s offer, Infobae reported, would add IRGC terrorist units to the army of Cuban communist soldiers that currently keep Maduro in power.


The outlet did not specify if Maduro accepted the offer. Maduro does remain in control of Venezuela, as the nation’s defense minister and key generals surfaced after Guaidó’s attempted takeover saying they had not defected from Maduro and that the higher levels of the armed forces had eradicated “opposition” elements who chose to obey the legal president of the country.


It did note that Quds Force members could be part of the deal, highlighting Soleimani’s power within the organization.


“The military official is a fundamental piece in planning the foreign policy of the Iranian theocractic regime,” Infobae said of Soleimani, “so much so that all military decisions in the rest of the world, including in Latin America, go through him.”


Eliminating Soleimani now leaves those key Latin American military decisions in the hands of Brigadier General Esmayeel Qaani, once described as an “uncharismatic and a less distinguished military commander” than his former boss Soleimani.


Iran has grown its influence in Latin America exponentially through Venezuela and its colonizing power Cuba. Late dictator Hugo Chávez invited greater ties between Venezuela and Iran during his tenure, regularly meeting with then-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Maduro’s tenure has seen the rise of Tareck El Aissami, a U.S.-designated “drug kingpin” who currently serves as the manager of the nation’s oil and gold natural resources.


“Tareck El Aissami is one of Hezbollah’s great bagmen, a sort of huge funder, and the money goes through the networks, and then, as you say, that money comes back through investments,” Vanessa Neumann, a leading expert on drug cartels and terrorist groups in Latin America, told Breitbart News in 2018. “[Ground sources] have told me that, based on their perspective, he is a big player on the funding side, rather than the operations side.”


Above the target…

Anonymous ID: d45532 Jan. 3, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.7705088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5147 >>5428

Google Suspends Chinese Company’s Integration After Smart Home Systems Show Random Strangers


Silicon Valley tech giant Google has suspended the integration of some of its hardware and services with Chinese company Xiaomi after a user who connected a Xiaomi camera to his Google Home Hub revealed that he was able to see into other users’ homes, including sleeping children.


Business Insider reports that Silicon Valley tech giant Google has suspended the integration between Xiaomi devices and Google software and services. The decision comes after a user with a Xioami home security camera claims that he was able to see into other users’ homes after linking the camera to his Google Home Hub.


Reddit user /u/Dio-V claimed in a post in the Google Home subreddit that they were able to see images from other users Xiaomi Mijia smart security cameras on their Google Home Hub. The user posted a video of which showed them attempting to view the livestream from their own security camera on the device, which then glitches and shows random images from other users’ devices.


The Reddit user posted a number of other random images that appeared on their device, including a man asleep on a chair, and a sleeping baby. Other users stated that the glitch was “so f***ed up” and “so creepy.”


A spokeswoman for Xiaomi told Business Insider that the issue has been fixed but that 1,000 more users could possibly be affected. The issue was reportedly caused by a cache update on December 26th, 2019, designed to “improve camera streaming quality.” The spokesperson added:


This [issue] has only happened in extremely rare conditions. In this case, it happened during the integration between [the] Mi Home Security Camera Basic 1080p and the Google Home Hub with a display screen under poor network conditions.


We have also found 1,044 users were with such integrations and only a few with extremely poor network conditions might be affected. This issue will not happen if the camera is linked to the Xiaomi’s Mi Home app.


Xiaomi has communicated and fixed this issue with Google, and has also suspended this service until the root cause has been completely solved, to ensure that such issues will not happen again.


A Google spokesperson has since told Android Police that following the Reddit users’ posts, the company was “disabling Xiaomi integrations on our devices.”