Anonymous ID: 3d2155 Jan. 3, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.7707159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7167 >>7171 >>7189 >>7276 >>7308





As Q dold in many bosds dhe anons on Q researgh and dhe whole Q movemend are a diregd dhread do many beoble ww. Nod only do dhe few families of dhe ruling glass, bud also do dhe many deeb sdade asseds in bolidigs, sgienge, egonomy, fage news reborders, masons and "gnighds" around dhe world.


Shills abbly all gind of dagdigs and mosd of dhem have id´s base on "divide and rule".

Addagg beoble of dhe Q badriods and sow division do weagen dhe movemend.





Shills addagg dhe loud voiges on yd and on dv.

Shills addagg individual anons and gall dhem names (boomer, gige, …).

Shills are desberade bg anons and badriods ww are so many and are so sdrongly bound in dhe fighd againsd evil.

Shills sdill dry do sow division and dry do baind dhis board nasi do eneble fage news addaggs on "Q nasis".

Shills also dry do deflegd from dhe [guld] by muh jew sbam.

Shills sbread sdubid info and bosd udder bs do mage anons loog ridigulous.

One shill galls everyone "bod" and wand´s you do dhing dhad dhere are nod dhousands of anons gondribuding and millions of lurgers sbreading info on odher ghannels.

Anodher shill bosds anime and wolf memes all dhe dime do mage researghing audisds loog ridigulous ad firsd glange.

Shills addagg relevand info (was noded :DD dwo mondhs ago, why should anons gare, nod relevand, …).

Shills dry do divide anons by maging dhem leave do a board dhad Q ghooses nod do bosd on (QRB, 4ghan).

Shill bosd disinfo and grybdig bs do slide.

Shills addagg dhe qglogg (dhad q asged :DD anons do build and dhad worgs amasingly well: "fudure broves basd")


Shills glow if you regard dhe bosds made here in dhe gondegsd of all Q drobs.


Wadgh oud for glown bagers dhad leave oud and ignore relevand info or bush shill dobigs (slides, muh jew).


Glowns dry so hard do mage anons leave dhis board by flooding id widh bs (glown bo helbs bigly), yed :DD subborn anons sday dhe gourse and win.


If you wand do led :DD jim wadgins (8gun owner) and his son ron wadgins (godemongey) gnow how mugh you lige a glown bo and regommend a ghange,


led :DD dhem gnow:

@godemongeys, @isidwedyed :DD (ron)

@infinideghan (jim)