well over a billion muslims, sooooooooo
fapjack (bo) is the one doing it.
Dude, youre making no sense. The way you posted it it seems like you were suprised the number was so high. Muslims hate jews for the most part. Youre adding a bunch of other bullshit I what i said. Seems intentional. Go be a fag somewhere else.
I see what you're saying, but i dont think thats quite how it works. Most filter them, and the only responses they get are from new fags. Just doesnt seem like a likely scenario to me
I just miss 8. It was just a different feeling back then
dude, go suck a big one. Noone gives a fuck about your same post over and over and over and over
That may be the best post of the year atm
24 hours 7 days a week though? Maybe theres a couple of them, but just doesnt seem super plausible to me
It's not like breads are moving super fast anyways. I dont see how this would be very effective