The Luciferians have been in the World forever. We are spirits, children of God, passing through this realm for further evolution in this multi-dimensional existence we enjoy. One day we could be on Earth, then 80 something years later we are in the Stars, experiencing another physical existence. We are forever. Stars and Planets are temporary.
There is a dark force in this Physical Realm we call Earth that has always existed here, in the lesser realm, the temporary realm that pits Chaos against God's ways, as we make our eternal trek across the Universe for learning and love.
These Satan worshipping cannibals in this realm have no power over us. Without us they collapse into the dust from which they came. They are not the giver of life. They are the giver of death.
When we are united as a People and have commitments to God and Nation that lasts generations instead of years, then the Holy Spirit will pour a flood of God's spiritual healing on our communities and it will heal our land and our people.
Satan owns the Real Estate of this physical realm but God calls the shots in America. We're here to enforce that.
Get your shit right. Here comes the Storm.