Anonymous ID: 4b1b85 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.7709893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9905 >>9910 >>9922 >>9925 >>9949 >>9962 >>9983 >>9989


>Soros spent a shit ton on legalizing pot

Yeah. After Rockefeller, Carnegie, Hearst and a BUNCH of other mother fuckers spent gorillions trying to prohibit it's use because it infringed on their businesses. Businesses and legislators worked policies where slavery was allowed to continue if said slave was convicted of a crime. Cannabis "users" often pose absolutely NO threat to ANYONE what-so-ever, so they made for an easy target. Seriously, you should look into how many US based companies use prisoners to save money. Victoria Secret was one worth noting, since it ties directly to the Epstein drama. Clintons made shit loads of money in the private prison industry, too. And when you look at the number of special interest groups who have heavily influenced the legislation to keep cannabis ILLEGAL, it definitely appears as if this more recent push is to grab a hold of the markets, to ensure they maximize their profits.


Not to mention, there has been a shit ton of evidence suppressed about the health benefits. It's a NATURAL substance, which can be grown fairy easily, and with the right strain choices can replace the need to take SEVERAL different medications. Not only are they restricting that type of information from flowing freely, they are actually PUSHING anti-pot propaganda. Citing "scientific" studies about how it "damages developing brains" because the test subjects are less likely to get jobs. Never mind the part about companies using drug test methods that can yield positive results for months or more for a relatively harmless, often BENEFICIAL, substance. Forget about the part where doctors are prescribing kids with varieties of inadequately tested chemical compounds (many of which will later get recalled after they SERIOUSLY mess tens of thousands of people's lives up). Who cares about our culture glorifying sports that have high risk brain damage (among other physical risks) that will often correlate to increased violent outbursts later on in life that may or may not result in death or abuse of innocent people. Never mind about how television ROTS the goddam brain and we have literally been teaching children propaganda and lies. None of that seems to bother anyone. But somehow "weed bad"?


GTFO of here.