Anonymous ID: 72911c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.7709311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9332 >>9338 >>9389 >>9445 >>9467

>>7708644 lb


That is an interesting jpeg name for Chelsea

Given that her mom seems to be the child of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics now called Scientology.

And that he has connections to the Duke-Reynolds bloodline


As does Webb Hubbell

Who is likely the father of Chelsea

And both these men

Have 7 letter surnames

And 4 letters in their "called" name

As does Bill Clinton

Husband of Hillary.

And all the men have one or more double letters in their name

Which is a way that Satanists let other Satanists know who they are.


Remember that all these people do not really have mothers, fathers and children in the sense of the word that we understand.

They are all psychopaths and sociopaths who don't care about anyone

But themselves.

The men behind the curtain

Who run the Satanic cult

Use rituals of Satan to bind these people together

And get the to act for the common good, because Satan then gives them presents

They know that Satan keeps a list

Of who is naughty and nice

The ones who follow orders

Get access to il fondo the family trust

Those who are naughty get punished

Those who are very naughty and cross a red line

Get a nice red scarf as a present

Hanging on their doorknob

With their own neck in the scarf.

Satan Claws, you see, is an acountant.

In his bank of deeds and misdeeds, he keeps the books in balance


I have a feeling that when we find the man behind the curtain

At the top of the pyramid

He will have a white beard

Wear red robes

And laugh like a maniac

Sitting at the top of a giant globe

And spinning around

Like a roulette wheel

Reaching out a giant black iron claw

Ready to catch the first unfortunate who is pushed within range by his fellows

And doesn't scramble away fast enough.

Bloody sacrifice

Anonymous ID: 72911c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.7709398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9428 >>9477 >>9478 >>9846




A chance to use this picture I've been saving for over a year.

No dubs but thats OK.


Anyway, we have to stop treating sources like Gospel truth. Fitzhenry is really playing the role of a journalist. But she is an amateur like many of us, has no organization backing her up, so she makes mistakes.


So do we all!!!


So I prefer to call people out for not providing backup from two independent sources rather than calling them evil or Fake.

If we want to be an effective team

We have to be welcoming to newcomers

And we have to help each other up our game.


We can do it.

As for Bella Thorne, who knows.

People who are abused in the film business, are often abused by MANY people.

So evidence of a relative says NOTHING about possible Disney executives.

The other thing is the mind control and the shattering that they have trained military psyops people doing for them.

They may be ex-military, but they learned the art of torture and interrogation with all the bells and whistles that the CIA learned in MKUltra and many other programs we do not yet know about. They use drugs, torture, mindfuckery.

Personally, I would cut them all some slack

They are damaged people trying to rebuild their lives.

Yes be sceptical of them, because you should always be sceptical

But let's not DIVIDE the world into black and white

That is the old way but it is not the Patriotic American way.

Anonymous ID: 72911c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.7709538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9568 >>9584 >>9631 >>9633 >>9738



The Iraqis dealt with the embassy protests by pushing the across the river

Then Trump made a big fuss about Marines.

Some Marines flew in, wandered around a bit, and flew away.

The Iranian spies on the ground knew that this was a bunch of Trump hot air, and reported that back. It looked like a big fuss to make Trump look good domestically.


Here's what they didn't understand.

Marines guard all embassies.

When Trump flew in Marines, he flew in a fresh team of special forces Marines to replace the current guards. Nobody noticed this. The new guys, and their new equipment is specifically prepared for the kind of tactics that IRGC uses. Let's leave it at that.


Secondly, the USA doesn't need to put Marines in an embassy to be effective no matter what any talking heads say. There are always planes fling stuff around, people moving between bases, random noise that seems normal. So when the leadership flew in, assets were already in the air, waiting patiently like they had for months if not years.It was a trap.


This is how Trump works. He sucks his enemy into traps, and crushes them. And he never lets them know what and where and when that trap is.


Trump talks like a loudmouth idiot who rambles all over the place and you can't pin down. Ask him a simple question and he repeatedly says yes, no and maybe but we'll think about it and it could work out good for you, I dunno but we'll see.


What the fuck does that mean!!!


The poor Iranian spy has no idea what to tell his boss.


Trump is the absolute PERFECT commander in chief, because even if you bug his every conversation you still can't make any sense of it. He probably uses sign language and flash cards in the room with his generals while he is saying something completely different.