Anonymous ID: 977f3a Jan. 3, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.7709295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398 >>9477

>>7709069 (lb)

>Which of her claims do you consider disinfo?

>One will do, it's an honest question.

Take her most recent story as one example.

She makes out that Bella Thorne was sexually abused by someone at Disney when, in fact, she was abused by a relative.

I consider Fitzhenry to be in the same category as Neon Revolt. She's well funded and, occasionally, well researched. A bit too well for my liking. She's not anon. She's a paytriot - e.g. her podcasts are for patreons only. It feels like there is a lot more to her presentation than one person. It feels like she's controlled opposition with a team behind her. Look at her early YouTube appearances on Crowdsource the Truth. That channel gave a lot of time and exclusive interviews to Jerome Corsi. Draw your own conclusions about that.

I admit, this is mostly a hunch drawn from my own discernment. Do I have direct evidence of Fitzhenry dealing with the devil - no. However, I am bringing a good few years of practice of sniffing fake MAGA charlatans out. Use your own judgement, of course, but for me, Fitzhenry is a shill.

(re-posting as was late last bread)