Anonymous ID: a2ade8 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.7709590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9607 >>9638

This is interesting


1) Lisa Page has been in the news for the past two years, no wikipedia. Odd. (Peter Strzok's is a mile long.)


2) 'Mom is from Iran' was a recent post…


3) Says she was a federal prosecutor since 2006 (can't find her name on anything in legal search back to DOJ…curious if someone here can look up…) // confirmed by Ohio State marketing material


4) Husband Joe Burrow has a funny-ish LinkedIn (

→ currently works at iGraduate (and has for the last two years), which has no other US staff, rest are UK and their service is 'Market Research'

→ international education has been his career

→ Joe Attended NYU, 7 year blank spot according to LinkedIn (acting?)


5) Attended Ohio State Law:

→ American University (DC) undergrad


6) Apparent 2 year affair with Strzok (2015-2017) – how old are her kids??


7) Lisa is apparently now practicing as a part of ZwillGen PLLC ( Good set of tech company clients.



Despite appearance similarities Monica Witt comp seems COMPLETELY impossible