Anonymous ID: c739da Jan. 3, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.7709522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9555 >>9577

Donald Trump Rallies Evangelicals in Florida–‘We Have God on Our Side’


President Donald Trump launched the Evangelicals for Trump coalition in South Florida on Friday, earning cheers from faithful supporters.


“I really do believe we have God on our side, I believe that … or there would have been no way we could have won, right?” Trump said.


The president delivered a faith-filled speech to a crowd of evangelical supporters gathered at El Rey Jesus Church. Rev. Billy Graham’s son Franklin Graham, his daughter Cissie Graham Lynch, Dr. James Dobson and his wife Shirley, Pastor Robert Jeffress, and other prominent voices in the evangelical movement also attended the event.


Trump reminded Americans that they needed to renew the importance of faith and family if they were to thrive in the next century.


“Our faith is needed now more than ever,” he said. “While certain fads come and go, it is an eternal truth that faith and family lead to the stability, happiness, and prosperity of nations.”


Trump reminded Evangelicals that Democrat presidential candidates would continue to work against their values.


“Our opponents want to shut out God from the public square so they can impose an extreme anti-religious and socialist agenda,” Trump said.


The president previewed a future law enforcement action from Attorney General Bill Barr to protect teachers and students who want to pray in schools.


“We will not allow faithful Americans to be bullied by the hard left,” he said. “We’re not going to allow it.”


The crowd cheered and chanted “four more years” as the president spoke about his record of defending the rights of Christians in the United States.


Trump spoke about protecting the right to life, the right to religious freedom, and freedom of speech, as well as rights of faith-based organizations in the public square.


“I may not be perfect, but I get things done,” he said, recalling a television appearance by Pastor Robert Jeffress.


Trump also spoke about his ongoing effort to keep socialism out of the Western hemisphere.


“America was not built by religion-hating socialists. America was built by church-going, God-worshipping, freedom-loving patriots,” he said as the crowd roared with approval.


Trump also welcomed to the stage Angel Belcher of the Fifth United Holiness Church in Florida, a black woman who delivered a passionate speech in defense of the president.


She noted that she received a lot of criticism for standing with Trump and defending him, but said that she had learned to think for herself rather than doing what she was told by voting for Democrats.


“I will do what I want to do, I will vote for who I want to vote for,” she said. “I’m going to make a stand. I will never give up. And as for the president, I want him to stand strong. I want him to keep moving.”

Anonymous ID: c739da Jan. 3, 2020, 8:34 p.m. No.7709553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Su-35 Warplanes Rain Hell On Militant Positions In Northwest Greater Idlib


Russian warplanes carried out on January 3 a series of airstrikes on militants’ positions in the northwestern part of Greater Idlib, despite bad weather conditions affecting the region.


In the last two weeks, bad weather conditions affecting Greater Idlib and the coast grounded the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS).


The absence of air support has forced the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to halt its operations in southeast Idlib. Last month, the army captured more than 40 towns and villages in the region under the cover of the SyAAF and the VKS.